Anthony Boldt

Welcome to the Kasson-Mantorville High School Band Homepage!
Kasson-Mantorville High School has three concert bands. Ninth Grade Band (8:00 AM – 8:40 AM), Tenth Grade Band (9:30 AM – 10:10 AM); and Concert Band (2:10 PM – 2:50 PM) – Juniors and Seniors. Solo and Ensemble is a large part of the band (and choir) curriculum at KM High School. Students have weekly lessons that focus on fundamental skill sets and preparing for solo and ensemble experiences. The KoMet Pep Band consists of all students in the high school band program, grades 9-12.
Use the left menu tabs to find information about the high school bands, including grading criteria, performance requirements and other information.
I graduated from Moorhead High School in Moorhead, MN. I am a 2010 graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, with a Bachelor of Music degree in Instrumental Music Education. While at Concordia I played tuba in the Concordia College Band, Concordia Orchestra, and the Concordia Cobber Band. 2018-2019 will be the start of my ninth year of teaching at KMHS.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Anthony Boldt
Director of Bands
Kasson Mantorville High School
(507)-634-2961 (School)
(507)-634-1156 – Music Office