Senior Information

This page will be updated throughout the 2023-2024 school year with important information related to Kasson-Mantorville’s Class of 2024.

Kasson-Mantorville’s Commencement for the Class of 2024 is scheduled for Friday, May 31, 2024 at 7pm.

Please click here for more information about our graduation ceremony plans.

For important “senior” events and the dates of these events please click here.

In order to participate, seniors must have the Senior Open Lunch contract signed by the student and a parent.  Contracts are to be turned in to the High School main office.  

Open Lunch will start September 5, 2023 for those who turned in the signed Open Lunch Contract.

Kasson-Mantorville graduation ceremony is scheduled for Friday, May 31, 2024 at 7pm in KMHS’ Home Federal Arena. 

Please click here for more information about graduation ceremony plans.

The Kasson-Mantorville High School Senior Scholarship & Awards Program will be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 in the KMHS Performing Arts Center

On this evening, our seniors are honored for the work they have accomplished while students at Kasson-Mantorville High School. We ask seniors and their parents to let us know what scholarships students have received from colleges, community organizations, or other local scholarships. Scholarship award information can be dropped off or emailed to Julie Faulhaber, Guidance Office secretary, ( by May 1, 2024. We would like to announce these awards/scholarships and accomplishments at the Senior Scholarship & Awards Night along with listing this information in the graduation ceremony program.

Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to a very special evening of celebrations.

What is a “final” high school transcript and why is it important?
In order to verify that you have met college admission enrollment requirements, you must have your final high school transcript, including date of graduation, submitted through PARCHMENT- CLICK HERE!

When will the KMHS Counseling Office send “final transcripts” to colleges?
The Counseling Office will send out transcripts, electronically, the week after graduation (once all transcripts have been time-stamped with the graduation date). Make sure you have submitted your request through PARCHMENT- CLICK HERE!

How do I request my college transcript to be sent to my new college I’ll be attending next year?

  • Go to the post secondary institution and search, “Transcript Request.” Follow their transcript request instructions and pay their fee to have your college credits/transcript sent to your college. 

I used my school KoMet email when I created my starid account. How do I change that to my personal email?

  • Go to eservices
  • Login with your starid and password
  • Click on “my profile” in the upper right-hand corner
  • Click on “update account” and you should be able to change your email address to a personal one.

If that doesn’t work…try this:

  • Go to eservices
  • Login with your starid and password
  • Click on “account management”
  • Click on “demographic information” and you should be able to change your email address to a personal one here

If students or parents have questions on transcripts please contact the Counseling Office at 634-2981.

Once seniors graduate they will no longer have access to their school provided Googles Apps account. Make sure to download/copy the files you want to keep on another device not owned by the District. After graduation, there will be no means of retrieving them. 

To  transfer copies of your documents in mass to a personal Google account you can use Google Takeout Tool.  Here is a link to an article with directions for students to transfer Google Drive content to a personal account If you need additional assistance, here is the link to a video tutorial as well.

Note: Dragging a file from Google Drive to your desktop will NOT download it. Be sure to follow the steps above. 

Each year we like to make one day extra special and celebrate seniors’ plans after graduation. We normally do this on May 1 as this is “national college decision day” but we like to celebrate on a Friday so we have chosen Friday, May 3 as our date instead.  On this day (May 3) we encourage seniors to wear their future school’s college gear, military branch, employer, etc. to school. We will take their picture, post their plans, and celebrate by eating cupcakes. Prior to this day, we would love for students to your counselor a “selfie” wearing the “gear” of their future college, military branch, employer or other plans so we can “tweet” out on the @KMHSGuidance office twitter account on Friday, May 3. Please encourage your seniors to participate so we can celebrate with the world their future plans! Pictures before May 1 would be great! 

The senior class is scheduled for Friday, May 17, 2024, at Whitewater State Park.  Some of the information you will need to know is as follows:

Departure/Return – Seniors will need to be at the high school office by 7:00am.  We will start loading buses at 7:00am, will leave by 7:30am, and expect to return by 3:10 pm.

Transportation – All transportation must be by designated school buses.  No exceptions.

Attendance – All seniors are eligible to go, and warmly encouraged to attend the fun day.  Students not going on the class trip must be in school that day.  No exceptions.  Students not cooperating will make up the day through a series of detentions. Consequence may include not walking during Graduation.

Rules – This is a school activity.  All school rules will be in force as will be the consequences.  Additionally, any violations of the alcohol, tobacco, or drug rule will result in not being permitted to go through the graduation ceremony.  We will be searching students’ bags, purses, and coolers before loading the buses on Friday morning.  While there is a swimming beach, it is important that no one is thrown in against his or her will.  Also, no cliff-jumping will be tolerated.

Food – Students are responsible for bringing their own snacks and beverages (water highly suggested!!). Taher will prepare the lunch menu.

Activities available/What to bring:

  • Swimming area (Bring a suit and towel)
  • Hiking (11 miles of hiking trails)
  • Volleyball nets, space for Softball, Soccer, Football, Kickball, Frisbee, Bean Bags, etc.  You will need to bring the sporting equipment.
  • Fishing (bring your own tackle, poles, and bait)
  • Don’t forget sunscreen! And bug spray! 
  • Drinking water

Permission Slip  – will be available closer to the date of the trip. It is to be signed by yourself and a parent. This permission slip MUST be turned in to Mrs. Enders or Mrs. Walsh no later than Friday, May 3, 2024.

Fun – We hope all seniors are excited about this day as it will probably be the last time the ENTIRE class will be together in a strictly social situation.

Seniors are encouraged to turn in a baby picture as well as their senior photo for the yearbook.

Deadline to turn in a baby picture is October 18, 2023.

The deadline to submit a senior photo is April 5, 2024.

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